Have you ever seen what something tastes like?
Those of us fortunate (and nuts) enough to find ourselves in the professional world of things that smell and taste really, really good spend a lot of time thinking about the experience of taste. “Good” is not a very precise category of, well, anything. So, we express the experience in more words. But words too are a slippery thing. Small changes making big differences, where you are born changes what you hear. There is value in distilling the experience, into quantifiable, objectives. This is what is called ‘sensory analysis’ and it is a very big deal.
For 72 Cookies, it’s one more way to have fun and hopefully find new ideas. The spider graph has a recent history in wine sensory analysis and here we applied it to cookies. We delineated 10 categories and chose a 1 - 10 scale - 10 being the highest positive expression of that trait and one obviously…
Below is a chart we did with 3 of our professional tasters for our Cereal Killers - We also included our tasting notes for you.
There is a blank chart to try it for yourself if you want. A way to eat mindfully; or just an excuse to have one more cookie : )